About the journal


Scientific-methodical electronic edition “Journal of experimental education” has successfully passed the registration procedure in the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of Telecom, information technologies and mass communications (Roskomnadzor). The founder and publisher of the organization Ltd “Psycho-pedagogical Academy” – issued a certificate of registration media EL № FS 77 – 62578 from 27.07.2015 with the right distribution on the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

The “Journal of experimental education” is registered in the ISSN International Centre. The journal has an international standard serial number (ISSN): 2412-9496.
Log included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals registered in the system of Russian science citation index – “Russian scientific citation index”. The Materials of the journal are indexed in scientometric database RISC (with accommodation in the electronic library eLibrary) and Google Scholar (with accommodation in the digital library of the Cyber-Leninka), are placed in international repositories of scientific information OCLC WorldCat, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR), Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe (OpenAIRE), Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), Socionet.

For publication in the journal are accepted previously unpublished research articles that reflect the main research results, literature reviews, outcome of the scientific events (symposia, conferences, seminars, etc.), scientific review, reviews, reports and other materials containing the results of modern experimental and theoretical research, new methods and interpretation of the social and humanitarian Sciences (in accordance with the state rubricator of scientific and technical information):

03.00.00 History. historical science

04.00.00 Sociology, social science
14.00.00 People's education. Pedagogy
15.00.00 Psychology

82.00.00 Organization and management

The editorial Board
The rules of publication
Publish the article
Issues of the magazine
The certificate of publication

Founder and publisher of the magazine Ltd “PPA”. Form of distribution: the network edition. Address of the founder, publisher, editorial: 170003, Tver, street of the village, 1, 7-141, +79065551660. e-mail: postmaster@ppacademy.ru. E-the office of the magazine: http://www.ppacademy.ru/
Minimum system requirements: To work with the website of the electronic journal, you need a computer with connection to the Internet, as well as one of the recommended browsers: Mozilla Firefox version 18 or higher; Google Chrome version 24 or higher;Opera version 12 or higher. To view and print the publications in PDF format, it is recommended to use the software Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0 or higher. The minimum configuration of the computer user and operating system is necessary are determined by the requirements listed above software products. The computer must be equipped with a color monitor with a resolution below 1024×768.
Access to the journal is free. When reprinting articles or parts of them link to the journal is required. Editorial opinion does not always coincide with the point of view of the authors of articles.