Editorial ethics of the journal and malpractice statement

Scientific-methodical electronic edition “journal of experimental education” follows:
1)international standards for editors and authors developed at the 2nd world conference on integrity of scientific research (2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, held in Singapore, 22-24 July 2010)
2) code of ethics of scientific publications, developed and approved by the Committee on publication ethics http://publicet.org/code:
The principles of professional ethics in the work of the editor and publisher:
— When deciding on publishing editor of the scientific journal is guided by valid data and scientific importance of the proposed work.
— An editor should evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, social status, or political philosophy of the authors.
— Unpublished data from a submitted manuscript must not be used for personal purposes or passed to third parties without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained through peer review with possible benefits must be kept confidential and not used for the purpose of personal gain.
— The editor should not allow information to be published, if there are reasons to believe that it is plagiarism.
Editor in conjunction with the publisher should not leave unanswered complaints have been presented concerning a submitted manuscript or published paper, as well as the detection of a conflict situation to take all necessary measures to restore the violated rights.
Ethical principles in the activities of the reviewer:
— Manuscript received for review must be treated as a confidential document that cannot be passed for examination or discussion with third parties, does not have any permission from the editor.
— The reviewer should be objective and reasoned evaluation of the results of the study. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.
— Unpublished data from a submitted manuscript must not be used by the reviewer for personal purposes.
A reviewer who has not, in his opinion, qualified to assess the manuscript, or may not be objective, for example, in the case of a conflict of interest with the author or organization must inform the editor with a request to be excluded from the reviewing process of this manuscript.
The principles that should guide the author of scientific publications:
— The authors should present an accurate account of the results of the studies. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements are unacceptable.
— Authors should ensure that the results of research that they have written entirely original works. The borrowed fragments or statements must be furnished with the obligatory indication of the author and the source. Excessive borrowing and plagiarism in any form, including unregistered quotes, paraphrasing or assignment of the results of other studies, unethical and unacceptable.
— It is necessary to recognize the contribution of all persons, one way or another influenced the course of the study, in particular, the article should contain links to works that have had importance to the study.
— Authors should not submit the manuscript that was submitted to another journal or under consideration, as well as the article is already published in another journal.
Co — authors of an article should be given all those who have made a significant contribution to the study. Among the co-authors should be all those persons who have not participated in the study.
— If an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the article at the stage of submission or after its publication, he should notify the editor of the magazine.
3) the provisions of Chapter 70 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation.

On the observance of publishing ethics by the editors of electronic edition “Journal of experimental education” and the statement of prevarication absence General statements

These are the principle ethical regulations which are observed by the editors of electronic edition “Journal of experimental education”:
1. No plagiarism is allowed. That concerns the case when the author submits published or unpublished paper by other authors under his name as well as the case when the author misappropriates one’s ideas. If the author uses the fragments borrowed from other sources in his paper, he should make a reference to these sources.
2. The editors publish the papers of the authors from all countries and of all nationalities who deal with the problem determined by the editorial policy.
3. The editors don’t cooperate with the authors who have ever been caught in plagiarism in his papers submitted to the electronic edition “Journal of experimental education” or other editions if this fact will be revealed.
4. The editors use software to reveal plagiarism related to the papers available in Internet.
5. The editors will be grateful to the readers for any information concerning revealed elements of plagiarism and breaking of ethical rules by the authors. This information will be published in the edition.
6. The editors undertake obligations not to publish papers appealing for terrorism and containing xenophobia and offences of other authors or citizenry.
7. At least three experts from the editorial council, the editorial board or outside experts are engaged into review of each paper.
8. More detailed information on the observance of publishing ethics and the rules of material review are contained in the international standards, the laws of the Russian Federation, professional codes, instructions. These are some of these documents: International Standards of Committe on Publication Ethics, Reviewer guidelines by Elsevier, the law of the RF «On the means of mass information», the law of the RF «On the advertisement», the code of the professional journalist ethics, the code of ethics of scientific publications etc.

For the editor-in-chief
Decision on Paper Publication. The editor-in-chief of electronic edition “Journal of experimental education” is personally and independently responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted should be accepted and published, though s/he works in close cooperation with the Editorial Board. The validity of the manuscript in question and its scientific value must be the basis for the publication decision at all times. The editor-in-chief may be guided by the policies of the scientific panel and constrained by such legal requirements as shall then be in force regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editor may confer with reviewers in making this decision.
Justice. The editor-in-chief evaluates submitted papers by the intellectual content, regardless of the race, sex, sexual preference, religion, ethnic origins, citizenship and political views of the author.
Confidentiality. The editor-in-chief keep confidential all information about accepted manuscripts to anyone, except for authors, reviewers, potential reviewers, other scientific consultants and publishers.
Disclosure and Conflict of Interests. The information contained in the submitted paper cannot be used in the paper of the editor-in-chief, members of the editorial board without author’s written permission. Confidential information or ideas obtained during review must be kept in secret and must not be used for self-profit. The editor-in-chief should not review the paper if there is a conflict of the interests evolving from competition, cooperation or other relations with someone from the authors, companies and organizations which are related to the paper. The editor-in-chief should ask all authors to present information on the certain competitive interests and publish corrections if the conflict of the interests has been revealed after the publication. If necessary another appropriate action such as publication of disproof or expression of a concern can be performed.
Examination of complaints of ethnic character. The editor-in-chief should take reasoned and prompt measures if he gets complaints of ethnic character in respect to the submitted manuscript or issued paper, contacting with the editors and publisher.

For the reviewers
Review assists to the editor-in-chief to take decisions on the publication of the paper, and through the connection between the editors and the author it is possible to help author to improve his paper. The editors of electronic edition “Journal of experimental education” appoint reviewers from the members of the editorial board or engage outside experts. Review is aimed at evaluation of scientific importance and novelty of the submitted manuscript. The authors of the submitted manuscripts recognize expediency and necessity of the review. Having agreed to do review, the future reviewer undertakes the following obligations.
Promptness. The persons addressed by the members of the editorial staff through the editor-in-chief in respect to the review of scientific papers, have ethical obligations concerning the efficiency of review. If it is not possible to present the review within the given period, one must inform the editor-in-chief about that and new reviewer is appointed.
Confidentiality. Each manuscript submitted to the review is to be reviewed as a confidential document. It is not to be examined and discussed with the third persons, except for those appointed by the editor-in-chief.
Neutrality. Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the Author is inappropriate. Reviewers should express their views clearly with supporting arguments.
The reference evaluation. The fact that there are no references in the manuscript should be marked and considered by the reviewer. If the manuscript partially of completely coincides with the publications known by the reviewer and the references to these publications are absent, that must be pointed out by the reviewer.
Plagiarism disclosure. In the case of suspicion of paper duplication or plagiarism the reviewer should point out this fact in his review.
Ethical rules. Confidential information and ideas of reviewed paper must not be disclosed. Materials of the reviewed paper must not be used for reviewer’s self-profit. The reviewer follows the rule according to which he doesn’t use ideas and statements obtained from the reviewed paper in his own work and publications without written permission of the author. Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the submitted paper.

For the authors
1. The authors submit to the editors electronic manuscript (by email postmaster@ppacademy.ru) performed according to the paper format guidelines for text and graphical materials. The topics of published materials must correspond to the topics stated by the editors of the electronic edition “Journal of experimental education”.
2. The paper should reflect the results of original research and its relation to the previous research performed by the author himself or other scientists. The relation to other research can be presented directly in the body of the paper as well as in the form of the references to the previous sources. If the author uses the material from other publications, the paper must contain the references to these materials. The references follow the body of the paper. When writing a paper, one should follow the principles of professional ethics, be competent, objective and answerable.
3. The editors, the editorial board may ask the authors to present all firstprimary sources and materials relating to the
submitted paper. Materials must be kept for 1 year after the paper has been published.
4. Every paper published in the journal is peer-reviewed to confirm its originality and correspondence to paper format guidelines. The use of other scientists’ results and thoughts must be done in a proper form. No plagiarism is allowed. The authors must confirm the fact that the paper is published for the first time or they ask to publish it for the second time.
5. The information obtained in informal way, for example, in private discussion or correspondence, cannot be presented in the paper without written permission of the source of information. The information which source is a private activity, in particularly, reviewing of manuscripts or grant applications, cannot be used in the paper without written permission of the authors.
6. Republication of the paper on the editorial council’s (or editorial council’s) own initiative is made in agreement with the authors, editors and holder of the intellectual property right on the paper. In the case of the paper republication the publisher is to make a statement on that. To submit a paper with co-authors is possible if all persons indicated as co-authors made their contribution to development of the concept, design, performance or interpretation of the described research. If the contribution of a person who cooperated on the research described in the paper is not enough significant to regard him as a co-author, he should be acknowledged in the paper.
7. The contact author must provide reading and approval of the final version of the paper by all co-authors, as well as their approval to the publication.
8. All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. Examples of potential conflicts of interest which should be disclosed include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, grants or other funding. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed at the earliest stage possible.
9. The authors should be aware of the fact that the editors, the editorial council and the editorial board of the electronic edition “Journal of experimental education” take the responsibility for the assistance to scientific community to observe all aspects of publishing ethics, particularly in the cases of paper duplication or plagiarism.
10. The authors of the published materials are responsible for the reliability of the given information and the use of the data which are not to be issued in public. The editors have the right to make corrections. The editors’ opinion can be different from the authors’ opinion; the materials are published to discuss the problems of current importance.

Additional provision:
Publishing Ethics:
Guidelines for Editors:
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest:
Legal Aspects of Plagiarism: