The editorial Board

Gonina Olga Olegovna – editor in chief, candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor, Director of laboratory of Psychology of professional development of teachers of the Institute of pedagogical education of the Tver state University, corresponding member of International Academy of psychological Sciences (Tver)
Ilchenko Svetlana Vladimirovna – Deputy head of Department of management of the faculty “Economy and management” “Moscow Institute of Economics”, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor (Moscow)
Anoshina Yulia Fedorovna – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian State University of Justice” (Moscow)
Blokhina Marina Valeryevna – head of chair of social-humanitarian and estestvennonauchnyh disciplines NOU VPO “Institute “appeals”, candidate of sociological Sciences, associate Professor of sociology and social technologies of the Tver state technical University, corresponding member of the Academy of Humanities (Tver)
Dolganov Dmitry Nikolaevich – doctor of psychology, professor of the department of humanities, Belovsky Institute (branch) of Kemerovo state University (Belovo)
Zhigunova Galina Vladimirovna – Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Murmansk State Humanitarian University (Murmansk)
Zhideleva Valentina Vasilevna Doctor of economic sciences, professor, director of Syktyvkar Forest Institute (Syktyvkar)
Kandaurova Tatyana Ivanovna – head of the Department of socio-cultural service and tourism NOU VPO “Moscow Institute of jurisprudence”, candidate of sociological Sciences, associate Professor (Moscow)
Kleiberg Yuriy Aleksandrovich – doctor of psychological sciences, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow state regional University, academic of International Academy of psychological Sciences (Moscow)
Kochetkova Elena Olegovna – candidate of historical Sciences, press Secretary of the Volgograd regional public organization “Support of professional development of teachers-defectologists” (Volgograd)
Minaeva Olga Vladimirovna – rector on scientific work of NOU VPO “Moscow Institute of law, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of psychology NOU VPO “Moscow Institute of law (Moscow)
Orishev Alexander Borisovich – doctor of historical Sciences, docent, head of chair of history of rsau – MTAA them. K. A. Timiryazev, Professor RAE (Moscow)
Pervushkin Vladimir Ivanovich – doctor of historical sciences, professor of the Penza State University, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation (Penza)
Polyakov Sergey Pavlovich – doctor of pedagogical Sciences, docent, Professor of the Department of psychology of the Federal state military educational institution of higher professional education “Military University of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation” (Moscow)
Savenkova Olga Yuryevna – doctor of economic Sciences, associate Professor, Deputy Director on scientific work of the Lipetsk branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Lipetsk)
Sirotyuk Alla Leonidovna – doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor at the Institute of Pedagogical Education in Tver State University (Tver)
Khokhlova Elena Vasilevna – candidate of psychological Sciences, head of the Department provide the education, research and innovation activities of Syktyvkar Forest Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budget Institution of Higher Professional Education “Saint-Petersburg State Forestry University named after SM Kirov “(Syktyvkar)
Yatsenko Tatyana Evgenievna — candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor, head of the Department of psychology of the educational Institution “Baranovichi state University” (Baranovichi, Belarus)