The rules of publication

Dear authors!

Sent to the editorial Board of the journal materials should conform to one of the scientific fields (by field of science), which determines the orientation (profile) magazine: historical, sociological, pedagogical, psychological science, organization and management.

To be published materials written in Microsoft Word for Windows (*.doc, *.docx): article Volume —5—10 page (A4, Times New Roman, margins of 2.5 on all sides, size 14, spacing 1.5).

The structure of the text of the article:

1) Information about the author: name, regalia, position and work place, e-mail.
2) UDC (universal decimal classification) and the abstract (3-5 th.)
3) key words (5-10)
4) main material article(bibliographic references are arranged according to the model [1, p. 25] for an alphabetical list of literature)
5) references in alphabetical order (indicating the author, title, place and year of publication, publisher, number of pages): Russian-language version and a version of the list of references in Latin, repeating the list of references to the Russian-language part.
All submitted materials must be checked for the presence of borrowing from public sources. Texts from borrowing more than 30% can not be published in the journal.
Percentage of loans in your article You can check here:shortcutm_70280

• in # 1 – until March 15;
• in # 2 – until June 15;
* in # 3 – until September 15;
* in # 4 – until December 15.